[M640, roll 4, frames 720-721]

A Statement of issues made to the Emigrant Seminole Indians by L N Clarke from the 11th June 1842 to 15th Oct. 1842.

Heads of parties Commencing Ending No.
Cotsa fixico 14th June 1842 14th June 1843 3 365 1095
Sampson  (Negro) " " 1 365 365
Jane  (Negro) " " 2 365 730
Cotsa harjo " " 1 365 365
Ona ye ha " " 1 365 365
Hollatta fixico " " 1 365 365
Co a yee " " 3 365 1095
Ne ar thlok emathla " 1st Sept 1842 56 78 4368
Waxa harjo " " 38 78 2964
Waxa harjo 1st Sept. 1842 15th Oct 1842 16 45 720
Ne ar thlok emathla " " 8 45 360
Cho cote tustenuggee 14th June 1842 " 32 123 3936
Mic co yip co " " 58 123 7134
Tustenuggee Chopko " " 34 123 4182
Pah sak a mic co " " 38 123 4674
Con til harjo " " 7 123 861
O soo char chee " " 4 123 492
Co chuk na tustenuggee  1st Sept 1842 " 16 45 720
Nelly  (Ne ar thok) " " 3 45 135
Halburta harjo  (Euchee) 14th June 1842 " 3 123 369
Co ar coo chee 11th June 1842 12th Nov. 1842 140 153 21420
Co sa ya ho la " " 16 153 2448
Ne ar thok emathla " " 3 153 459
Charles   (Negro) " " 3 153 459
Co lak ta " " 4 153 612
Par hose emathla " " 7 153 1071
Tam a harjo " " 9 153 1377
Ar pe ar chi har jo " " 5 153 1224
Ta cose se emathla " " 8 153 1224
Halleck Tustenuggee 5th Sept. 1842 15th Oct 1842 67 40 2680
Co chas micco " " 12 40 480
Tom a harjo " " 1 40 40
Isaac   (Negro) " " 7 40 280
Clarinda  (Negro) " " 3 40 120
Ailsey  (Negro) " " 2 40 80

Note. Twelve individuals, principally single ones living in remote settlements among their friends (old settlers), applied to me for their whole years rations in stock cattle, which on account of the great inconvenience to them, in coming every fifteen day for their rations I consented; and made the issue, not expecting at the time, that Mr. Clarke's contract would expire before the year was out.

Fort Gibson Oct. 17th 1842

Geo. W. Clarke
Issuing Agent

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