[M234, roll 806, frame 181]
Fort Smith Arkansas
September 16th, 1842
I have the honor to report, that the party of emigrating Indians placed under my
charge by the orders of the Cols Comdg in Florida was turned over to the Agent
at the Creek Council ground on the 6th inst.
The Indians of the party were generally in the enjoyment of good health and well
satisfied with their condition and prospects. Hallick Tustenugga has established
his party in the vicinity of the Mickasukee settlements on the Deep Fork of the
Canadian River. The remainder of the party have all expressed a determination to
settle within the limits assigned them by the Government.
The party suffered much from sickness on the route; but one death occurred, that
of an infant after the arrival of the party at the Council Ground.
The disbursements made by me have been as follows
On account of the transportation - $1902.
On account of the Subsistence - 416.
On account of the Contingencies - 372.
I proceed immediately from this place to rejoin my company
at Ft. Niagra, N.Y. and will render my returns as soon as practicable after my
arrival there.
I have to request that a set of the blank forms used in your Department may be
sent to me at that place.
Very respectfully, Sir
Your Obet Servt
E.R.S. Cauby
2nd Lt. 2nd Infy in
charge of Emg. party
The Com. of Ind. Affairs
Washington D.C.