[M234, roll 291, frame 195]
New Orleans Lou.
10th March 1839
I have the honor to state that the Capt. Morrison has reached Fort Jackson, a
station of some sixty or eighty miles below this city. Capt. Morrison will
proceed west with the party under his charge consisting, I am informed, of two
hundred and upwards in number. I shall proceed immediately to Tampa Bay,
where I shall be, as I have been, for the last six months unemployed - indeed
Sir, there is no necessity for the employment of two officers on the Seminole
Emigration. I have therefore to request that my services may be dispensed
with and orders issued for my recall, to settle my accounts.
I am Sir,
Very Respectfully
Your Obt, Servt.
Jno. G. Reynolds
1st Lieut USMC
Disbg Agt. Ind. Dept.
T. Hartley Crawford
Comr. Ind. Affairs
Washington City