Head Quarters Army of Florida
March 19th 1842
My official duties having kept me constantly in the field much the first of this
month, I have not been able to transmit to you my monthly statements and as it
is probable I may not reach Tampa in some days, I beg you will attribute the
delay to that cause.
Our negotiations are still progressing; There are about twenty Indians now here
& seven more at Ft. Fanning (recently captured) all of whom will be taken to
Tampa during this month, which added to those we have there, and the band of the
sub chief As-pan-e-wa who by appointment ---- Major Belknap on Yesterday, will
make up enough for another shipment, which we hope ------ early next month.
With much respect sir
I have the honor to be
your obt. servt.
L. G. Capers
Dis. Agt. Ind. Affs.
T. Hartley Crawford
Commissioner of Indian Affairs
Washington D. C.