Seminole Nation, I. T.
Officers of The First Seminole Battalion
(Later Regiment)
John Jumper |
Major, Lieutenant
Colonel, & Colonel |
George Cloud |
Major |
Charles C. Dyer |
A. Q. M. |
Shadrack B. Hagan |
Adjutant |
W.W. Burnes |
Assistant Surgeon |
D. R. Patterson |
Adjutant |
H. McDonald |
A. Q. M. |
George Patterson |
Adjutant |
Company A - Enrolled 21 September 1861
George Cloud |
Captain, Later Major |
Thomas Cloud |
Captain |
Nocus or Nocose Harjo |
Second Lieutenant |
Frazier McLish or McClish |
Second Lieutenant |
Waxi Imathla or Waxie Emathla |
Second Lieutenant |
William Aird |
First Lieutenant |
Cho Fixico |
Second Lieutenant |
Company B - Enrolled 21 September 1861
Fushatchiecochokna |
Captain |
William Robinson |
First Lieutenant to Captain, Company D |
Echo Yohola |
Second Lieutenant |
Micco Muchasse |
Second Lieutenant |
H. E. A. Washbourne |
First Lieutenant |
Thlalo Fixico |
Second Lieutenant |
Company C - Enrolled 5 November 1861
James Factor |
Captain |
Chitto Tustenuggee |
First Lieutenant to Captain |
Mathu lokee or Matoloke |
Second Lieutenant |
Itse Yohola or Yahola |
Second Lieutenant to First Lieutenant, Co. D |
Tustenucochee |
First Lieutenant |
Passuchee Yohola |
Second Lieutenant |
Nokfah Harjo |
Second Lieutenant |
Company D - Enrolled 12 December 1861
Tustanucogee/Tustenuk Ochee |
Captain to First Lieutenant Company C |
John Reid or Reed |
First to Second Lieutenant |
Compiere Starpes |
Second Lieutenant to Company F |
Eufala Tustanuggee |
Second Lieutenant |
William Robinson |
Captain |
Itsin Yohola |
First Lieutenant |
D. R. Patterson |
Second Lieutenant |
Company E - Enrolled 2 January 1862
Sam Hill |
Captain |
Charles C. Dyer |
First Lieutenant to A. Q. M. |
D. R. Patterson |
Adjutant to the Second Lieutenant Company D |
Alex Johnston or Johnson |
Second Lieutenant |
John White |
Second Lieutenant |
Tulsee Yohola |
Captain |
Daniel McGirt |
First Lieutenant |
A. M. Taylor |
Second Lieutenant |
Klehomata Fixico |
Second Lieutenant |
Shadrack B. Hagan |
Second Lieutenant to Adjutant |
Company F - Enrolled 21 November 1862
Osuchee Harjo |
Captain |
Nocose Yoholah |
First Lieutenant |
Compere Starpes |
Second Lieutenant |
John Reed, Sr. |
Second Lieutenant |
Source: Records Relating to
Military Service, RG 109, Microcopy 861, Roll 74
(Washington, D. C. National Archives Microfilm
Publications, 1971)
Names appear as spelled in the records.


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