Seminole Nation, I. T.

Confederate Officers of The First Seminole Battalion
(Later Regiment)



John Jumper Major, Lieutenant Colonel, & Colonel
George Cloud Major
Charles C. Dyer A. Q. M.
Shadrack B. Hagan Adjutant
W.W. Burnes Assistant Surgeon
D. R. Patterson Adjutant
H. McDonald A. Q. M.
George Patterson Adjutant


Company A - Enrolled 21 September 1861

George Cloud Captain, Later Major
Thomas Cloud Captain
Nocus or Nocose Harjo Second Lieutenant
Frazier McLish or McClish Second Lieutenant
Waxi Imathla or Waxie Emathla Second Lieutenant
William Aird First Lieutenant
Cho Fixico Second Lieutenant


Company B - Enrolled 21 September 1861

Fushatchiecochokna Captain
William Robinson First Lieutenant to Captain, Company D
Echo Yohola Second Lieutenant
Micco Muchasse Second Lieutenant
H. E. A. Washbourne First Lieutenant
Thlalo Fixico Second Lieutenant


Company C - Enrolled 5 November 1861

James Factor Captain
Chitto Tustenuggee First Lieutenant to Captain
Mathu lokee or Matoloke Second Lieutenant
Itse Yohola or Yahola Second Lieutenant to First Lieutenant, Co. D
Tustenucochee First Lieutenant
Passuchee Yohola Second Lieutenant
Nokfah Harjo Second Lieutenant


Company D - Enrolled 12 December 1861

Tustanucogee/Tustenuk Ochee Captain to First Lieutenant  Company C
John Reid or Reed First to Second Lieutenant
Compiere Starpes Second Lieutenant to Company F
Eufala Tustanuggee Second Lieutenant
William Robinson Captain
Itsin Yohola First Lieutenant
D. R. Patterson Second Lieutenant


Company E - Enrolled 2 January 1862

Sam Hill Captain
Charles C. Dyer First Lieutenant to A. Q. M.
D. R. Patterson Adjutant to the Second Lieutenant Company D
Alex Johnston or Johnson Second Lieutenant
John White Second Lieutenant
Tulsee Yohola Captain
Daniel McGirt First Lieutenant
A. M. Taylor Second Lieutenant
Klehomata Fixico Second Lieutenant
Shadrack B. Hagan Second Lieutenant to Adjutant


Company F - Enrolled 21 November 1862

Osuchee Harjo Captain
Nocose Yoholah First Lieutenant
Compere Starpes Second Lieutenant
John Reed, Sr. Second Lieutenant


Source: Records Relating to Military Service, RG 109, Microcopy 861, Roll 74
(Washington, D. C. National Archives Microfilm Publications, 1971)
Names appear as spelled in the records.




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